How To Create SKU for Amazon


As an Amazon seller, managing inventory and tracking sales can be a daunting task. However, with the use of SKUs, this process can be streamlined and made more efficient. SKUs, or Stock Keeping Units, are unique identifiers assigned to each product in your inventory.

In this article, we will explore the importance of SKUs for Amazon sellers, how to choose a naming convention, creating unique SKUs, incorporating product information, tracking inventory and sales performance, creating SKUs for bundled products, updating SKUs for product variations or changes, avoiding common mistakes, integrating SKUs with Amazon’s inventory management system, and best practices for managing SKUs on Amazon.

Understanding the Importance of SKU for Amazon Sellers

SKUs are important for Amazon sellers because they provide a unique identifier for each product in your inventory. This makes it easier to track inventory levels and sales performance. Without SKUs, it can be difficult to keep track of which products are selling well and which ones are not. Additionally, SKUs can help prevent overselling or underselling of products, which can lead to lost sales or unhappy customers.

Benefits of using SKUs for inventory management and sales tracking include:

– Efficient inventory management: With SKUs, you can easily track inventory levels and reorder products when necessary. This can help prevent stockouts and ensure that you always have enough inventory on hand to meet customer demand.
– Accurate sales tracking: SKUs can help you track sales performance for each product in your inventory. This can help you identify which products are selling well and which ones are not, so you can make informed decisions about your inventory and pricing strategies.
– Easy product identification: SKUs make it easy to identify each product in your inventory. This can be especially helpful if you have a large inventory or sell products with similar names or descriptions.

Choosing a Naming Convention for Your SKUs

When choosing a naming convention for your SKUs, there are several options to consider. Some common naming conventions include:

– Sequential numbering: This involves assigning a unique number to each product in your inventory. For example, if you have 100 products in your inventory, you would assign numbers 1-100 to each product.
– Alphanumeric codes: This involves using a combination of letters and numbers to create a unique identifier for each product. For example, you could use the first three letters of the product name followed by a unique number.
– Product attributes: This involves using product attributes such as color, size, or material to create a unique identifier for each product. For example, you could use a combination of color and size to create a unique identifier for each product.

Each naming convention has its own pros and cons. Sequential numbering is easy to implement and can be useful for small inventories, but it can become confusing for larger inventories. Alphanumeric codes can be more flexible and easier to remember, but they can also become confusing if not implemented properly. Product attributes can be useful for products with variations, but they can also be time-consuming to implement.

When choosing a naming convention, it’s important to consider your business needs and the size of your inventory. You should also consider how easy it will be for you and your team to remember and use the SKUs.

Creating Unique SKUs for Each Product

Creating unique SKUs for each product is important to prevent confusion and ensure accurate inventory management and sales tracking. To create unique SKUs, you can use a combination of the naming convention you have chosen and a unique identifier such as a product number or UPC code.

For example, if you have chosen to use alphanumeric codes, you could create a SKU for a red t-shirt in size small as RED-SM-001. This SKU includes the product attributes (color and size) as well as a unique identifier (001).

It’s important to avoid duplicate SKUs, as this can lead to confusion and inaccurate inventory management. To avoid duplicate SKUs, you can use a SKU generator tool or create a system for assigning SKUs that ensures each product has a unique identifier.

Incorporating Product Information into Your SKUs

Incorporating product information into your SKUs can be helpful for identifying products and tracking inventory and sales performance. Product information that can be included in SKUs includes product name, brand, color, size, material, and any other relevant attributes.

For example, if you sell shoes, you could create a SKU for a pair of black Nike sneakers in size 9 as NIKE-BLK-9. This SKU includes the brand (Nike), color (black), and size (9).

Incorporating product information into your SKUs can also be helpful for SEO purposes. Including relevant keywords in your SKUs can help your products appear in search results when customers are looking for specific products.

Using SKUs to Track Inventory and Sales Performance

SKUs can be used to track inventory levels and sales performance. To track inventory levels, you can assign a SKU to each product and use a spreadsheet or inventory management software to track the number of units in stock. When a product is sold, you can update the inventory count to reflect the new stock level.

To track sales performance, you can use SKUs to identify which products are selling well and which ones are not. This can help you make informed decisions about your inventory and pricing strategies. For example, if a product is selling well, you may want to order more inventory or increase the price. If a product is not selling well, you may want to discount the price or discontinue the product.

Benefits of using SKUs for inventory and sales tracking include:

– Accurate inventory management: SKUs can help you track inventory levels and prevent overselling or underselling of products.
– Informed pricing strategies: By tracking sales performance, you can make informed decisions about pricing strategies for each product in your inventory.
– Improved customer satisfaction: Accurate inventory management can help prevent stockouts and ensure that you always have enough inventory on hand to meet customer demand.

Tips for Creating SKUs for Bundled Products

Creating SKUs for bundled products can be challenging, as you need to create a unique identifier for each bundle as well as each individual product in the bundle. To create SKUs for bundled products, you can use a combination of the naming convention you have chosen and a unique identifier for each bundle.

For example, if you sell a bundle of three t-shirts in different colors, you could create a SKU for the bundle as TSHIRT-BUNDLE-001 and a SKU for each individual t-shirt as RED-TSHIRT-001, BLUE-TSHIRT-001, and GREEN-TSHIRT-001.

It’s important to avoid confusion with bundled product SKUs by clearly labeling the bundle and each individual product in the bundle. You should also include information about the contents of the bundle in the product description to avoid confusion for customers.

How to Update SKUs for Product Variations or Changes

Updating SKUs for product variations or changes is important to ensure accurate inventory management and sales tracking. To update SKUs, you can use a SKU generator tool or create a system for assigning SKUs that ensures each product has a unique identifier.

For example, if you have a product that comes in different colors, you can create a unique SKU for each color variation. If the product is updated or changed, you can create a new SKU to reflect the changes.

It’s important to avoid confusion when updating SKUs by clearly labeling the new SKU and discontinuing the old SKU. You should also update the product description to reflect any changes to the product.

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Creating SKUs

Common mistakes to avoid when creating SKUs include:

– Using duplicate SKUs: Duplicate SKUs can lead to confusion and inaccurate inventory management. To avoid duplicate SKUs, you can use a SKU generator tool or create a system for assigning SKUs that ensures each product has a unique identifier.

– Using inconsistent naming conventions: Inconsistent naming conventions can make it difficult to track inventory and sales performance. To avoid inconsistent naming conventions, choose a naming convention that works for your business and stick to it.

– Not incorporating product information: Not incorporating product information into your SKUs can make it difficult to identify products and track inventory and sales performance. To avoid this mistake, include relevant product information in your SKUs.

Integrating SKUs with Amazon’s Inventory Management System

Integrating SKUs with Amazon’s inventory management system can help streamline the inventory management process and ensure accurate inventory levels. To integrate SKUs with Amazon’s system, you can use Amazon’s Seller Central platform to create and manage your inventory.

Benefits of integrating SKUs with Amazon’s system include:

– Streamlined inventory management: Amazon’s inventory management system can help you track inventory levels and prevent overselling or underselling of products.
– Improved customer satisfaction: Accurate inventory management can help prevent stockouts and ensure that you always have enough inventory on hand to meet customer demand.
– Easy product identification: Amazon’s system makes it easy to identify each product in your inventory.

Best Practices for Managing SKUs on Amazon

Best practices for managing SKUs on Amazon include:

– Choose a naming convention that works for your business and stick to it.
– Create unique SKUs for each product to prevent confusion and ensure accurate inventory management and sales tracking.
– Incorporate product information into your SKUs to make it easy to identify products and track inventory and sales performance.
– Use SKUs to track inventory levels and sales performance to make informed decisions about your inventory and pricing strategies.
– Integrate SKUs with Amazon’s inventory management system to streamline the inventory management process and ensure accurate inventory levels.


SKUs are an important tool for Amazon sellers to manage inventory and track sales performance. By choosing a naming convention, creating unique SKUs, incorporating product information, tracking inventory and sales performance, creating SKUs for bundled products, updating SKUs for product variations or changes, avoiding common mistakes, integrating SKUs with Amazon’s inventory management system, and following best practices for managing SKUs on Amazon, you can streamline the inventory management process and ensure accurate inventory levels.

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