How to Install Tacotron2 in VS Code: A Step-by-Step Guide


Tacotron2 is an impressive text-to-speech (TTS) model that can convert written words into amazing speech. Developed by brilliant minds like Chen and their team, Tacotron2 offers an engaging and interactive communication experience. If you’re keen on using this cutting-edge technology within VS Code, follow our comprehensive step-by-step guide below.

How to Install Tacotron2 in VS Code


Before installing Tacotron2, ensure you have the following prerequisites on your computer:

A GPU: Tacotron2 performs better with a dedicated GPU for training.

Python 3.6 or higher: Make sure you have Python 3.6 or a newer version installed.

PyTorch: Tacotron2 uses PyTorch; install it on your system to use Tacotron2 effectively.

Other libraries: Depending on the setup, additional tools like NumPy, SciPy, and Librosa may be required.

Tacotron2 in VS Code Step-by-Step Installation Guide:

  1. Install Prerequisites: Begin by installing Python, PyTorch, and VS Code by following the instructions at the respective websites.
  2. Open VS Code: Once the prerequisites are installed, open VS Code.
  3. Create a New Project: From the File menu, select New > Project to create a new project.
  4. Select Python Project Type: Look for “Python project” in the dialog box and click “Create.”
  5. Install Tacotron2: In the Terminal window, run “pip install tacotron2” to install Tacotron2.
  6. Download Pre-trained Model: Get the pre-trained Tacotron 2 model from the GitHub repository.
  7. Extract the Pre-trained Model: After downloading, extract the model and store it in a preferred folder.
  8. Run Tacotron2: Open “” in VS Code, change the “text” variable to the desired text, and run the file.

Additional Tips:

Consider using a virtual environment to keep Tacotron2 separate from other Python components to avoid potential conflicts.


By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily install Tacotron2 within VS Code and unleash its powerful text-to-speech capabilities for an elevated communication experience. Enjoy experimenting with this cutting-edge technology and creating engaging interactions with your callers.


What are the prerequisites for installing Tacotron2 in VS Code?

To install Tacotron2 in VS Code, you need a GPU, Python 3.6 or higher, and PyTorch. Additionally, you might need other libraries like NumPy, SciPy, and Librosa depending on the setup.

Where can I download Tacotron2 and its pre-trained model for VS Code?

To download Tacotron2 and its pre-trained model, visit the official GitHub repository for Tacotron2 at

How do I install Tacotron2 and WaveGlow libraries for VS Code on my system?

To install the Tacotron2 and WaveGlow libraries for VS Code, you can use pip to install them. Run the following commands in your terminal:

   pip install tacotron2==22.12.28
   pip install -r requirements-cuda-11.3.txt  # or requirements-cuda-11.6.txt
   git clone /home/${USER}/apex
   pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir ./apex

These commands will install the necessary libraries and dependencies.

Is it possible to install Tacotron2 on Windows 10?

Yes, it is possible to install Tacotron2 on Windows 10. You can follow the instructions provided for the installation. Make sure to download and extract the LJ Speech dataset, clone the Tacotron2 repository, and install the required dependencies.

Is there a comprehensive guide available for understanding Tacotron2 implementation in TensorFlow?

Yes, there is a GitHub repository that provides an advanced and commented code for implementing Tacotron2 in TensorFlow. The repository is designed to help individuals understand the intricacies of writing advanced Recurrent Neural Networks and offers a step-by-step guide for implementing Tacotron2 in TensorFlow.

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